Other TOC analyzers can be affected by small changes in the water loop pressure as the points of use are turned on and off. Why is the PAT700 immune to changes in the water loop pressure?

Why is the ANATEL PAT700 TOC analyzer immune to changes in the water loop pressure?
Most online TOC analyzers are designed to have a sample constantly flowing through them. Hence the exposure to the oxidizing UV light is dependent on how fast the water flows past the UV light. Increases or decreases in the water loop pressure can affect the speed at which the water passes through the TOC analyzer, thus affecting the time exposed to the UV lamp and hence affecting the TOC level reported by the TOC analyzer. To get ‘round this problem, some TOC analyzers have an averaging function, which make them report the average TOC level over a period of time. In this case it is possible that the TOC analyzer may not report a TOC excursion.