Echo® Qualified 384-well Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC) Source Microplate, Low Dead Volume, Clear, Non-sterile

Product No:001-12782

Echo® Qualified 384-Well Low Dead Volume (LDV) Source Microplates are designed to minimize dead volume when using the Echo® Liquid Handler. This microplate is constructed of Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC) for optimal acoustic transfer performanceand DMSO storage. Each lot of microplates is tested and certified to meet stringent performance specifications. The 384-Well Low Dead Volume (LDV) plate is designed to minimize dead volume when using the Echo® liquid handling system. This microplate is constructed of Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC) for optimal acoustic transfer performance and DMSO storage. Each lot of microplates is tested and certified to meet stringent performance specifications. Additional benefits of the microplate include: compatibility with heat sealing devices, designed for barcode customization and optimized for robotic handling. Precise Manufacturing for Superior Results For best results, Echo Liquid Handlers are designed to use Echo Qualified 384-well and 1536-well Source Microplates for precise and accurate liquid transfer. Echo Qualified Microplates deliver the best possible results in compound storage and miniaturized assays, and each plate is insured to meet the specifications required for consistent acoustic transfers. Labcyte performs functional qualification tests on each microplate lot with an Echo Liquid Handler to verify that our microplates deliver superior precision and accuracy and DMSO hydration measurements.

$981.00 List Price - $981.00

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