Release Notes

Kaluza Analysis Software Version 2.2

  1. Kaluza Analysis supports some nVidia GPU boards to accelerate analysis. This requires a 64-bit version of Windows and for this version of Kaluza the nVIDIA graphics driver 471.11 or greater. Validated GPU boards for Kaluza version 2.2 are Quadro P2200, Quadro RTX4000, Quadro M2000, Quadro RTXA2000. To activate the Kaluza CUDA compute engine use the /CUDA command line prompt.
  2. The LIS protocol can be saved individually and imported to new analyses to speed up LIS setup for new analysis protocols.
  3. A LIS Identifier for the Kaluza instance can be set in the LIS Options and exported to the LIS.
  4. Backup images of plots that are sent to the LIS can be saved with user defined resolution under a user defined backup path.
  5. The Save as images functionality supports saving multiple selected plots into a single image.
  6. Index sort parameters can be read from CytoFLEX SRT Sort Classifier parameter.
  7. To further improve user privacy and the security of user data, credentials for the initial admin account are defined by the user during software installation if the User Management option is installed. Kaluza Analysis no longer supports the use of “Demo”; “Admin” or “Administrator” as part of usernames and has strengthened requirements for password complexity. A digital certificate is installed during software installation. Log-in identifiers are stored in an encrypted format.
  8. File integrity is checked automatically when loading data files.
  9. When calculating absolute cell counts in batch mode, users can choose between loading file specific Cal Factor and $Vol values and cascading absolute count settings from the previous analysis.
Bug Fixes
  1. Performance for the processing of the logicle transformation has been improved for the standard compute engine.
  2. When using the CUDA compute engine with nVidia GPUs, Kaluza Analysis 2.2 no longer experiences slowness when using the Rare Event and % Displayed functionalities.
  3. Alarm boundaries in a QC report can be modified without triggering a software crash.
  4. Compensation values can be displayed in a QC report without triggering a software crash.
  5. Gain settings from DxFLEX FCS files are included in the Cytosettings table.
  6. Files from Omnicyt instruments are loaded.
  7. File-internal compensation from Novocyte instruments is calculated accurately.

Kaluza Analysis Software Version 2.1.3

  1. When a gate or a plot containing a gate that has been setup for transmission to the LIS is deleted, the LIS preview window is updated and the plots and statistical results derived from the deleted gate are automatically removed.
Bug Fixes
  1. Enables accurate calculation of autofluorescence vector values in all known use cases when utilizing the @AUTOFL20 FCS keyword.
  2. When a gate has been setup for LIS transmission and one or more gates in a data plot have been deleted, results transmitted to the LIS are accurate in all known use cases.
  3. The automatic Display Minimum in the Data menu will reflect the actual minimum for the selected settings without rounding.
  4. Changes made to text box controls of Levey-Jennings plots in the QC module can be confirmed by clicking outside the menu.
  5. File not found and No Read Permission errors are prevented by protecting temporary files from deletion by other programs.
  6. Updated Sentinel driver to support installation on systems with current Windows OS updates.
  7. Kaluza Analysis will not crash if the user attempts to install plugins without running Kaluza as Administrator.

Kaluza Analysis Software Version 2.1.2

  1. Enables printing after Windows NET.framework updates and for network spooled printers.
  2. Prevents unexpected scale mode changes between Legacy and Full Range scale mode.
  3. Increases limit for number of plots per sheet from 200 to 256 to enable Add All Plots functionality for CytoFLEX LX data with 21 fluorescence parameters.

Kaluza Analysis Software Version 2.1.1

Bug Fixes
  1.   LIS keyword update issue fixed.

Kaluza Analysis Software Version 2.1

Bug Fixes
  1. Installation of a Microsoft .NET Framework Windows updates released between May 2018 and July 2018 causes Kaluza Analysis Software to crash with a “Error 99999” when the radial menu is accessed by right clicking an object within the software.

Kaluza Analysis Software Version 2.0

New Features
  1. Users can define default settings of different platforms to optimize the display:
    1. The option window contains a “$CYT Defaults” tab in option window. The platform specific settings include for example axis scale and default quadrant gate name.
  2. Support for index sorting data of Moflo cell sorter:
    1. The software supports index sorting parameters. Users can create index sorting plots for further analysis.
  3. Auto-gating:
    1. Users can create auto-gates that automatically identify the target population.
    2. Auto-gates embedded in LMD files are imported as part of the acquisition protocol.
  4. User management:
    1. Optional user management function. Assign user names and roles, define account lockout and password expiration policy.
    2. User login and protocol action are tracked.
  5. Cell cycle analysis algorithms:
    1. Select from 2 algorithms: Michael H. Fox, J.V. Watson.
    2. Automatic or manual identification of cell cycle phases.
  6. Automatic calculation of absolute cell count based on reference beads or volume.
  7. QC Report:
    1. Users can create QC protocols for instrument and assay QC.
    2. QC results can be visualized using Levey-Jennings charts.
  8. ”Rare event” Display function:
    1. Resolution can be decreased for desired cell subsets aiding in the visualization of small populations.
  9. Compensation can be exported in a Navios or Gallios compatible format.
  10. Acquisition settings including voltage, gain and compensation can be be displayed as CytoSettings table.
  11. Shapes such as lines and arrows can be added within the plots.
  12. Channel value of median is available for statistics.
  13. Ratio parameters can be defined and added.
  14. “IF” conditionals can be used in expressions in information tables and sheets.
  15. % Grandparent gated available as population statistic.
  16. Reports from two samples can be displayed side by side for comparison.
  17. The Information Sheet can be used to display statistic values in several columns and to copy data directly from spreadsheet applications.
  18. Data export:
    1. Results and plots can be exported to LIS.
    2. Gif files can be exported from radar plots.
    3. Histogram data can be exported to .CSV file for future analysis.
  1. Merged files can contain up to 20 million events.
  2. A composite can contain up to 100 plots.
  3. Rapidly add gate to Boolean logic.
  4. Visible gate colors can be selected on a per plot basis.
  5. Display a user-defined number of events per plot
  6. Data can be normalized for overlay histogram display.
    1. Users can choose to display Y axis as count, max% or gate%
  7. On offset histogram overlays the data source can be labeled directly on the axis.
  8. New export image file formats of plots include .bmp and .jpeg.
  9. The default file name of statistics exported as .CSV file contains the sample ID and can be changed by the user.
  10. Text can be pasted directly from the clipboard into Kaluza report sheets.
  11. Display more than one statistic value directly at the gate.
  12. Dataset information can be removed from plot title in composite protocols by default if desired.
  13. Default color of the first gate can be defined in Kaluza options.
  14. The ctrl+L shortcut pastes plots as link.
Bug Fixes
  1. When data is dragged to a saved composite protocol, the range setting in the protocol is changed.
  2. When a LMD file is imported to a composite protocol saved in version 1.3, the gate positions are incorrect.
  3. The plot sheet is deleted when multiple sheets are exported in one PDF file and the plot sheets are unchecked in preview window.
  4. Protocol and dataset name are displayed in the header of exported PDF files.

 For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.