IMMUNOPREP Reagent System

Product No:7546999

The IMMUNOPREP Reagent System is a rapid, no-wash, standardized, whole blood preparation procedure maximizing sample-to-sample, and laboratory-to-laboratory reproducibility. The IMMUNOPREP reagent lysing action reduces cell stress and minimizes cell shrinkage while maintaining cellular integrity and morphology. Separation of leukocyte cell populations of interest from red blood cell ghosts and debris is maximized. Scatter characteristics are optimized for superior cell type resolution.

The IMMUNOPREP Reagent Kit is comprised of 3 ready-to-use reagents:

  • Reagent A lyses the red blood cells.
  • Reagent B buffers the solution and stops the lysing process.
  • Reagent C fixes the cells.

$2,964.00 List Price - $2,964.00

Product Specifications

Regulatory Status IVD, CE
Size 300 Tests
Format Liquid

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