MoFlo Astrios EQs Sorter

Product No:B52102

As of the end of 2023, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences no longer sells the MoFlo Astrios cell sorter.


Service contracts are still offered for current users, please contact your local Beckman Coulter Life

Sciences representative.


Win10 upgrades for MoFlo Dell workstations also remain available.


Web resources for Astrios applications and other information remain available as a reference resource.


For your current cell sorter needs, please consider the CytoFLEX SRT, available in multiple optical



Easy, intuitive and flexible. Simplify your most complex sorting tasks with the Astrios EQs, featuring six-way jet-in-air proficiency that delivers powerful capability while reducing complexity. Leveraging the classic stable fluidic design and the electronic processing of the XDP, the new Astrios EQs and extended EQ sorters expand sorting capability with, not only a broad palette of laser options and 6-way sort capability, but by adding our unique enhanced Forward Scatter (eFSC) technology for submicron particle detection.

Product Specifications

Compatibility Configurable with 355, 405, 488, 532, 561, 592, 640 nm lasers

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